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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 118
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-122 (28 September 1976)

Natriumiminoaluminate, neuartige aluminium-at-komplexe
Pages C1-C2
H. Hoberg, J. Korff
Dimethyl Sulphoxide : Edited by D. Martin and H.G. Hauthal; translated by E.S. Halberstadt. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd., London, 1975, XV + 500 pages, £ 20.
Page C28
J. R. Jones
Organometallic derivatives of sugars
Pages C11-C12
Arjumand F. Husain, R. C. Poller
Optisch aktive übergangsmetall-komplexe : XLI. Epimerisierung und phosphinaustausch in C5H5Fe(CO)(PØ2R)J
Pages C19-C22
Henri Brunner, Franz Rackl
Exchange of metal carbonyl moieties on germanes
Pages C23-C24
R. F. Gerlach, B. W. L. Graham, K. M. Mackay
The preparation and structure of (divinylcyclohexene)nickel—phosphine complexes
Pages C25-C27
P. W. Jolly, C. Krüger, R. Salz, G. Wilke
The formation of N-(ethoxycarbonylmethyl)diazenido (C2H5OOCCH2N2) derivatives of molybdenum. The 1,3-addition of C---X (X = Cl, Br and I) to the Mo---N2 moiety of bis(dinitrogen)bis(1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane)molybdenum
Pages C16-C18
David C. Busby, T. Adrian George
The Chemistry of Cyano Complexes of the Transition Metals : By A.G. Sharpe, Academic Press, London, 1976, xi + 302 pages, £ 10.40.
Pages C29-C31
John L. Burmeister
Reaktionen von komplexliganden : VII. Addition von aminocarbenliganden an aminoacetylene
Pages C13-C15
Karl Heinz Dötz
Alkalimetall-i minoborate, ein neuartiger typ von bor-atkomplexen
Pages C3-C5
Heinz Hoberg, Volker Götz
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, 8th Edition, New Supplement Series, Vol. 29, Organotin Compounds, Part 2, Tetraorganotin Compounds, R3SnR′ (480 pages, DM 788, $323.10) and Vol. 30, Organotin Compounds, Part 3, Tetraorganotin Compounds, R2SnR′2, R2SnR′R″, RR′SnR″Rtriple prime, Heterocycles and Spiranes (164 pages, DM 327, $134.10) : H. Schumann and I. Schumann, volume authors, H. Bitterer, volume editor, Gmelin Institut für Anorganische Chemie und Grenzgebiete der Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/ Heidelberg/New York, 1976 (in German).
Page C32
Dietmar Seyferth
Zur synthese thermisch stabiler pentamethylcyclopentadienylsubstituierter phosphorverbindungen
Pages C8-C10
Peter Jutzi, Hartmut Saleske, Doris Nadler
Eine einfache methode zur darstellung von trialkylsiliziumaldiminen
Pages C6-C7
Heinz Hoberg, Volker Götz, Armin Milchereit
Synthesis and reactions of 1-substituted 3,3-dimethylbenzo[d]-1,3-azasilolines
Pages 1-6
Toyohiko Aoyama, Yoshiro Sato, Hideaki Shirai
Solvent-catalyzed cis-trans isomerization of halosilacyclo-butanes and -pentanes. Evidence for cationic intermediates with expanded coordination
Pages 7-18
Frank K. Cartledge, B. Gary Mckinnie, Joanne M. Wolcott
Self-consistent molecular orbital calculations of nuclear spin coupling constants in organosilicon compounds; trimethylsilyl systems
Pages 19-25
Kim D. Summerhays, Daniel A. Deprez
Spectres de vibration de composes organiques des elements de la colonne IVB : IX. Derives organometalliques a liaisons metal-azote:N-trimethylsilyl-, triethylgermyl-, et tributylstannyl-pyrazoles
Pages 27-39
Annette Marchand, Monique Riviere-baudet, Roger Gassend
Bioorganotin chemistry: Reactions of tributyltin derivatives with a cytochrome P-450 dependent monooxygenase enzyme system
Pages 41-54
Richard H. Fish, Ella C. Kimmel, John E. Casida
A rapid procedure for the determination of the tellurium content of organotellurium compounds
Pages 55-58
E. R. Clark, Mohammed A. Al-Turaihi
Polymerisation of pentadienyl compounds in the presence of transition-metal compounds: the polymorphic compound deca-1,3,7,9-tetraenediiron hexacarbonyl
Pages 59-63
Richard W. Jotham, Sidney F. A. Kettle, David B. Moll, Peter J. Stamper(xf***)
Preparation and properties of methyliron complexes with tertiary phosphine ligands and their decomposition pathways through the formation of carbenoid intermediates
Pages 65-77
Takao Ikariya, Akio Yamamoto
Verknüpfung von 1,3-dienen mit acrylsäuremethylester durch photochemische umsetzung mit pentacarbonyleisen
Pages 79-92
Friedrich-Wilhelm Grevels, Udo Feldhoff, Johannes Leitich, Carl Krüger
Molecules organiques coordinees a un metal. : Nouveaux complexes olefiniques d'α-enones par le fer(0)
Pages 93-100
Anne Vessieres, Daniel Touchard, Pierre Dixneuf
NMR studies of dynamic behavior of dialkyl(acetylacetonato)bis(tertiary phosphine)cobalt(III) and related complexes in solution
Pages 101-116
Takao Ikariya, Yoshiyuki Nakamura, Akio Yamamoto
π-cyclopentadienyls of nickel(II) : XV. Insertion reaction of RNCS into the nickel—carbon bond
Pages 117-122
Fumie Sato, Junichi Noguchi, Masao Sato

Issue 2, Pages 123-232 (5 October 1976)

Halogenverbrückte molybdän(0)- und wolfram(0)-komplexe
Pages C35-C36
Franz Hohmann, Heindirk Tom Dieck
Übergangsmetall—carben-komplexe : XCVI. Pentacarbonyl-diäthoxycarben-chrom(0)
Pages C33-C34
Ernst Otto Fischer, Kurt Scherzer, Friedrich Roland Kreissl
Reactions of organosulphur compounds with metal atoms
Pages C37-C40
Tristram Chivers, Peter L. Timms
Carbon-13 magnetic resonance studies on the formation of secondary α-ferrocenyl carbocations from tertiary carbinols
Pages C47-C52
C. C. Lee, S. C. Chen, W. J. Pannekoek, R. G. Sutherland
Fragmentierung mit supernukleophilen : III. Die reduktive fragmentierung von 2-benzoyloxy-äthylkobalt(III)-phthalocyanin als modellreaktion für eine neue schutzgruppentechnik bei peptidsynthesen
Pages C59-C61
Heiner Eckert, Ivar Ugi
Synthesis of organometallic solvento complexes
Pages C62-C64
J. Dehand, M. Pfeffer, M. Zinsius
Hydrido Cyanoalkyls of platinum (II)
Pages C53-C54
Renzo Ros, Raymond Bataillard, Raymond Roulet
Page C64
(1,3-Di-t-butyl-2,4-dichlorodiazadiphosphetidine) heptacarbonyldiiron: A novel complex incorporating a diazadiphosphetidine ring system as a bidentate p-donor
Pages C44-C46
P. N. Hawker, L. S. Jenkins, G. R. Willey
Fragmentierung mit supernukleophilen : II. Ligandenbedingte grundlegende unterschiede im reaktionsverhalten von kobalt(I)-supernukleophilen beim umsetzen mit N-phenyl-O-[β-halogenÄthyl]-urethan BZW. dessen N-methyl-derivat
Pages C55-C58
Heiner Eckert, Ivar Ugi
Carbonyl—metall-kómplexe von heterokumulenen : I. Übergangsmetall—thioketen-komplexe: Über hexacarbonyl-(1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-2-thiocarbonylcyclohexan)-dieisen(0) und pentacarbonyl-(1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-2-thiocarbonylcyclohexan)-chrom(0)
Pages C41-C43
Ulrich Behrens, Frank Edelmann
Solution studies of some pentaarylantimony(V) compounds
Pages 123-128
Gregory L. Kuykendall, Jerry L. Mills
The influence of anion, solvent and concentration on the thallium-205, carbon-13 and proton NMR parameters of the dimethylthallium(III) ion
Pages 129-134
P. J. Burke, R. W. Matthews, D. G. Gillies
New silylating agents : I. Trimethylsilyl trimethylsilylamidosulphonate
Pages 135-138
B. E. Coopper, S. Westall
Photochemically generated silicon-carbon double-bonded intermidiates : II. Photolysis of aryldisilanes in the presence of dienes
Pages 139-153
Mitsuo Ishikawa, Takamasa Fuchikami, Makoto Kumada
Photochemically generated silicon—carbon double-bonded intermediates : III. The reaction of p-tolylpentamethyldisilane with methanol and methanol-d1
Pages 155-160
Mitsuo Ishikawa, Takamasa Fuchikami, Makoto Kumada
Catalytic asymmetric hydrosilylation of olefins : I. Chiral phosphine-platinum(II) complexes as hydrosilylation catalysts
Pages 161-181
Keiji Yamamoto, Tamio Hayashi, Michio Zembayashi, Makoto Kumada
Crystal and molecular structure of C, N-{2-[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenyl} diphenyltin bromide
Pages 183-189
Gerard van Koten, Jan G. Noltes, Anthony L. Spek
Primary photochemical process in norbornadienechromium tetracarbonyl
Pages 191-197
D. Rietvelde, L. Wilputte-Steinert
Solution properties of the HFe3(CO)11ion
Pages 199-204
John R. Wilkinson, Lee J. Todd
Additions to metal atom and to coordinated ligand in complexes of rhodium(I) and iridium(I) formed by a tridentate olefinic ditertiary phosphine: chelate olefin complexes and σ-alkyls of rhodium(III) and iridium(III)
Pages 205-232
M. A. Bennett, R. N. Johnson, I. B. Tomkins

Issue 3, Pages 233-374 (12 October 1976)

Eine unter PMe2/SiMe3-austausch verlaufende reaktion zwischen-Me3P=N---PMe2 und Me3SiN3
Pages C65-C68
W. Wolfsberger, W. Hager
Ph---As Als komplexligand: Die struktur von Fe3(CO)9(Ph---As)2
Pages C73-C77
G. Huttner, G. Mohr, A. Frank, U. Schubert
Palladium(II) complexes with sulfur ylides: A new complex containing methylsulfoxonium dimethylide as a chelating ligand
Pages C78-C80
Pierfrancesco Bravo, Giovanni Fronza, Calimero Ticozzi
Komplexchemie polyfunktioneller liganden XXXIX. Metallcarbonyl- und metallnitrosylcarbonylkomplexe eines organocyclotriarsans
Pages C69-C72
Jochen Ellermann, Horst Schössner
Reactivite des carbanions benzyliques : III. Stereochimie de la silylation d'alkyl-9 lithio-10 dihydro-9,10 anthracenes. Etude par effet overhauser nucleaire des nouveaux derives silicies
Pages 233-245
Henri Bouas-Laurent, Michele Daney, Rene Lapouyade, Catherine Lang, Nicole Platzer and, Jean-Jacques Basselier
Metallation-silylation and kinetic studies of arylmethylacetylenes
Pages 247-252
James Y. Becker
Insertion of CO2 into the metal—nitrogen bond formed in the reaction with molecular nitrogen
Pages 253-258
P. Sobota, B. Jezowska-Trzebiatowska, Z. Janas
Paramagnetische organothallium(III)-verbindungen in lösung : II. Esr-untersuchungen paramagnetischer diphenylthallium(III)-komplexemit o-aminophenolen und o-phenylendiaminen
Pages 259-287
Hartmut B. Stegmann, Karl B. Ulmschneider, Klaus Hieke, Klaus Scheffler
Erratum zu Teil I dieser Untersuchungen
Page 287
Homolytic organometallic reactions : XII. Homolytic dealkylation of di-n-butyl-t-butyltin chloride: preferential displacement of the n-butyl radical
Pages 289-294
Alwyn G. Davies, Brenda Muggleton, Brian P. Roberts, Man-Wing Tse, Jeremy N. Winter
The molecular structure of (1′-t-butl-2′,2′-dimethylpropyl)-π-(tricarbonylchromium)benzene
Pages 295-303
F. van Meurs, H. van Koningsveld
Dynamic behaviour in (1′-t-butyl-2′,2′-dimethylpropyl)-π- (tricarbonylchromium)benzene
Pages 305-308
F. van Meurs, J. M. A. Baas, J. M. van der Toorn, H. van Bekkum
The effect of alkyl substitution on the thermodynamic stability and kinetic reactivity of α-anions of metal—carbene complexes
Pages 309-323
Charles P. Casey, William R. Brunsvold
Nitrosyl carbonyl derivatives of group VI metals
Pages 325-329
S. C. Tripathi, S. C. Srivastava, A. K. Shrimal
Catalytic asymmetric hydrosilylation of olefins. , : II. Chiral phosphine—nickel(II) and -rhodium(I) complex-catalyzed reaction
Pages 331-348
Keiji Yamamoto, Tamio Hayashi, Yoshito Uramoto, Ryuichi Ito, Makoto Kumada
The cross-coupling of aryl halides with grignard reagents catalyzed by iodo(phenyl)bis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II)
Pages 349-354
Akira Sekiya, Nobuo Ishikawa
The molecular and crystal structure of trans-hydridobis(triphenylphosphine)(1,3-di-p-tolyltriazenido)platinum(II) [PtH(PPh3)2(p-CH3C6H4NNNC6H4CH3-p)]
Pages 355-362
A. Immirzi, G. Bombieri, L. Toniolo
Silver(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate π-complexes of olefins and alkynes. Stability and structure
Pages 363-374
Glenn S. Lewandos, Diana K. Gregston, Frank R. Nelson